Some Minor Changes are Coming to the Site
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I had some trouble where the site got hacked. Thankfully, the great help over at HotDrupal has put the site back on track. I'm going to remove some sections that I'm just not using and maybe add one or two. Mostly, this site is just for me. It's to keep current with how this all works and to carve out my own little space on the internet. Knowing that anything I put out here is really out here. So feel free to enjoy the site as a visitor.
Alternate Reasons Why Masks are Great
I found wearing these face masks not only help prevent the spread of COVID, they also provide many other great benefits.
1. You can sing in your car and nobody will ever know.
2. Or talk to your self in secret
3. Wear "nose tampons" when it won't stop running. Anywhere.
4. Make a funny face. Careful, the rest of the face can give this away.
5. Ninja for a day
6. Kind of nice and warm in the cold weather.
That's what I get out of it. I wonder if there are any more?